About Us
Experienced, Professional, Discrete, Accurate, Available
Since 2010 we have performed SPT Hammer Calibrations - energy measurements for standard penetration test hammers to get a calibrated result used to adjust blow count N values to a normalized N60 value.
We are located in Chino Hills, California. We will come directly out to your job site to do the SPT Calibration. If we are available, we can immediately come out to your job site - at a moments notice. If necessary, we can perform the test before or after hours, nights or weekends.. We will work with you so that you do not have any down time.
Our calibration engineer has over 30 years of experience in the geotechnical drilling and sampling field. In addition to calibrating your hammer, he can also help pinpoint problems, troubleshoot and assess your SPT hammer operations and sampling procedures.
While we are taking the energy measurements there will be no major impact on the time it takes to complete a boring. We know the drill rig procedures and can anticipate the next step in the drilling process.
This service is generally for drilling companies, geotechnical engineering firms, city, state, federal agencies and anyone needing an SPT hammer energy measurement or calibration. We think we have a big advantage over other companies doing this kind of calibration since we know the operating procedures of a drill rig, what to watch for while sampling is taking place and how to interpret the data. This helps us come up with better and more accurate results. We can advise the operators how to use their rigs, hammers, modify their procedures, troubleshoot problems and help eliminate and correct bad data and inaccurate blow counts that may greatly affect geotechnical engineering recommendations.